Artist w.h.grace

Grace is an artist and art psychotherapist. She expresses her daily experiences through colourful pieces of artwork. Her collection of artwork delves into real natural scenes, exploring imagination with various techniques of expression. It is the marriage of two styles: the Eastern style of Chinese brush painting and the Western style of a form of impressionism, is perhaps the rhythm of her art.

Being an artist, she has been fascinated by the profound significance of the use of a wide range of art materials, especially watercolours and acrylic colours, in the art creating process. Giving lines, forms and colours to feeling and inner thoughts, helps us to express true feelings to others.

In addition, art practice is a way of expression that words cannot. Paradoxical elements can be put into a drawing that helps us integrate conflicting experiences, an art therapist Harriet Wadeson called the art’s spatial matrix, which is the ability of art to communicate relationships using shape, colour and line. Her art practice led her to explore art psychotherapy.


2021 'Beauty of Nature' virtual art exhibition By Bougie Art Gallery in Toronto, Ontario,Canada

2020 Japan International Watercolour Institute (JIWI) 20TH International Watetrcolour Internet Exhibition

2020 日本国際水彩画会第20回国際水彩画交流NET展


2020 Exhibition at The Waterfront Gallery

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