Olga Siruk

My name is Olga Siruk, I was born and raised in Russia, and now I live in the London. My first profession was as a designer-architect. This experience has significantly influenced my development as a ceramicist. In creating ceramics, I take a project-based approach, focusing on how my work interacts with the environment. Currently, I am extensively experimenting with underglaze techniques, creating my own engobes and underglaze paints, and working on my colour palette. By applying multiple layers of paint, I create depth in the images. While working with abstract drawings, I like to dissect images into rhythms, pauses, and melodies, as in music.

One of the important themes in my art is the concept of 'home.' It's a search for stability and understanding of my place in a world where I constantly lose the familiar environment. I find it interesting to observe how my cultural characteristics, love for Russian avant-garde, icon painting, and folk crafts begin to operate in a new environment, transforming and enriching themselves.

where to find me

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